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How is a Christian "Made Perfect"?

Galatians 3:3

The question could be restated: How does a Christian become mature? Once we accept Christ and know Jesus, how do we continue growing in the Lord? A Christian becomes mature in the very same way he or she is saved: by faith in the "one offering"—Jesus' sacrifice on the cross (Col. 2:6; Heb. 10:14).

The rest of Hebrews 10:14 states: "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified." Because of Jesus, every follower of His is not only being sanctified (made holy) but has been made perfect (mature) forever. This is the best news of all. When we are accepted by God at salvation, we are forever accepted by God in heaven. There isn't one more thing we can do—or must do—to be more acceptable to Him. And the joy of this is that our perfection is ultimate in God's eyes. According to Him, we are mature because Jesus made us perfect on the cross.

This should radically change our motivations. Instead of seeking to grow so that we become more acceptable to God, our hearts should yearn to live in light of the privileges that are ours in Christ. As we practice becoming what we already are in God's eyes, we live in confidence of the truth that "I am accepted by God"! The motivation of living such a graced life is totally different than it is under the law. Legalism says, "Do this, this, and this, and you will be accepted." Grace says, "Jesus has already done this, and all the blessing is yours. Now live your life as a 'P.S.: I love you' to God."

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