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A Timid Man

1 Corinthians 2:3, 4

When we read the adventures and letters of the Apostle Paul, we can picture him as a spiritual giant. But Paul’s contemporaries did not think of him that way. In fact, when Paul stood before the leading Jews in Rome, they did not even seem to know who he was (Acts 28:21). He had no striking appearance. Perhaps he had some physical weakness, his “thorn in the flesh.” He did have moral courage and always met danger with calmness, but he may have otherwise been a timid man. Paul was also a man of much crying tears and trials (Acts 20:18–19; 2 Cor. 2:4; Phil 3:18). In fact, the Lord was so very sensitive to the frailty of the apostle so that on three separate occasions He had to appeared to him or send  sent His angel to minister to him (Acts 18:9–10; 23:11; 27:23–24). God truly uses the “least of these” to accomplish His divine purposes. Any of us may be used by God to accomplish great things. Are you willing to move out of the way and allow the Spirit to work?

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