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Strive for the Spiritual Crown

1 Corinthians 9:20

One of the great stadiums of Paul's time stood outside of Corinth where, every third year, the great Isthmian games would be held. Athletes from all over Greece would come to compete in the marathon race and other athletic exhibitions. Knowing the familiarity of the Corinthians with these games, Paul uses a race to illustrate the Christian experience.

In the Greek games, just being a participant was not enough. No awards were given to the third- and second-place finishers. Only one laurel was given, to the winner. No one ever entered the games thinking, I'll just be a participant... winning doesn't matter.

Whenever the Scriptures refer to athletic endeavors, winning is always mentioned with the goal in mind. Starting and participating are not enough; the goal is to persevere to the end and be victorious. Transferring that principle to the spiritual life, Paul exhorts believers to pursue spiritual goals with all the earnestness, energy, drive, and devotion necessary to be a champion.

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